Tuesday, October 8, 2013


- Dark Knight (Dark Knight Rises)

I was looking, thinking about, and looking again at the dialogue in the three separate movies in the Dark Knight trilogy.

There is nothing Christian about them at all, but they do show some really good analogies, some that could relate even to Christ-like ideology.

The Dark Knight Rises is my favorite of the three.  I think the best analogies, even quotations, come out of that one.  My favorite quote is at the very end, the last thing he says, "A hero can be anyone.."  That alone speaks millions I believe.

When confronted with the topic of heroes, many people immediately think of super-heroes from comic books, like Superman or Batman. These super-heroes are admired for their special abilities that normal people don't have. They help bring justice to the world. Yet in reality, a hero is a person who is admired for his or her achievements and qualities. Spiderman, Superman, and Batman are super-heroes, but it really doesn't matter whether or not a person has superpowers or not. Anyway, the superheroes are just made-up from the creator's imagination. Although it isn't known, everybody in the world has a capability to be a hero. However, not everybody becomes a hero because a person has to make one's own choices on whether or not to do good or evil. Today's true heroes should be historical heroes, personal heroes, or people just helping out in the community doing odd jobs here and there, whatever helps another person can make a hero. The historical heroes are the ones that helped make the world like it is today.

If we were to cross reference this to the Bible, there are many heroes, and as the Dark Knight "dies" and comes alive to save his people, so does Yeshua Ha'Meshiach (Jesus Christ) die and resurrect to save us as sinners to make us right before the Father.

That might be bringing Yeshua down but it's an analogy, one made on purpose I think.

There are many people from the past who are important people in the world even today because they influenced the whole society. Almost everyone in the United States, especially African Americans, knows about Martin Luther King Jr. He was an extraordinary man because he made a huge impact on society. He helped African Americans peacefully fight for their rights and be integrated with the rest of the people instead of being segregated. Eventually, the African Americans received their rights thanks to the speeches and all Martin Luther King Junior had contributed in the efforts to be as equal as another person. There was also the women's civil rights act in which the women protested so they could be able to vote. The women also received their rights. That is one type of hero: one that helps make a historical impact on society.

Now this is not at all saying Christ is "just a super-hero," have to want to make that clear before I loose readers.  See, not by any means am I saying the Dark Knight and Yeshua are recalling the same measurement, I just want to point out analogies, and the Dark Knight trilogy has very good ones yet.


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