Monday, September 9, 2013

Forgiven and Freedom

Abraham was righteous before G-d, righteous not by works but by faith. truly, the object of his faith is the seed, the one who is to come, the messiah – Yeshua HaMashiach.

G-d left the sins of the Past, before Christ’s death, unpunished. in His Justice, G-d waited patiently until the death of His Son Yeshua so that all the sins of mankind [before and after Jesus] shall be punished in the body of His Son Yeshua and that G-d becomes the Just and the Justifier of all man through Christ.

The Justice of God

We learned that G-d’s Justice is that sins must be punish. the soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20)
G-d punishing the sins of Man through the Law is just a picture or shadow of the real Justice, which is to come.
Romans 3:25 (NLT)
25 For G-d presented Yeshua as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with G-d when they believe that Yeshua sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that G-d was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past

The True Justice of God

The True Justice of G-d is that All sins must be punished in Christ and that Christ shall pay up to the last penny.
even without the Law, sin was in the world (Romans 5:13). sin was with Adam to Abraham up to Moses. but where there is no Law, there is no trespass (Romans 4:15). G-d did not impute sin upon Abraham

The animal shedding of blood and the skin covering Adam and Eve, was set for God to tell us what Yeshua is about to do in the future. The Father delights to see His Son does a heroic act (I am speaking in human terms.)

G-d did not justify sin, but rather the sinner. It is for freedom that Christ sets us free, not that to become G-d’s “yes and no” servants, but rather to be free, to be His children and Him our Father
the kind of freedom we have is the ‘freedom to sin’ or ‘freedom to sin not’. Jesus did not die our will with him? Jesus died the sin. Jesus did not die to sinful actions for He is perfect, Jesus died our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21). We did not die to our will but Yeshua died for our sins.

We can choose to sin or sin not, but the power of Christ' resurrection means that whatever we choose cannot make us sinners again. not even one huge gigantic sin or the smallest micro sin committed.

Shall we sin because we are free? (Romans 6:1) The one who sins, is a sinner will sin. Would you murder someone because you are free? Are you really free to begin with?

Yeshua died for your sins, to forgive all the garbage that we do, that doesn't automatically mean you're free.  So being forgiven, which because of Yeshua's death and resurrection all are, and being free are two totally different things, to be born again you are both.
Everybody is forgiven, if not the cross was a failure and G-d doesn't fail.  But not everybody is free, freedom is a choice made by will.  The choice, will, to walk with G-d now blameless because you're forgiven.

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