Thursday, September 26, 2013

Homosexuality ISNT A Sin

It was never even mentioned in the Bible

This "battle" say, among who's right and who's wrong has gone on long enough, we're all one body in Christ, or at least supposed to be, and this issue is the biggest and needs a say.  There are even many Christians "thrown out of the church" because they are gay.. what does that say about the body of Christ?  At least have an open mind and let's look into it.

Many Bible Scholars sometimes discuss the idea of the intent of the original context of the Bible, both the New and Old Testament. In answering this question about homosexuality, understanding original intent in scripture is really important.
Was G-d talking about modern, twenty first century, committed, faithful, non-cultic, same sex partnerships or was He talking about pagan sexual rituals in worship of the Canaanite fertility goddess?

There is no evidence in the Bible that G-d or OT Jews or Yeshua Ha'Meshiach(Jesus Christ) Himself understood Leviticus 18:22 & 20:13 as prohibiting committed, faithful, non-cultic, same sex partnerships. The homosexuality wrong - idea comes from taking verses out of context, the original Hebrew is proof of that.

We know that because, although Sodom is mentioned about 48 times in the Bible, not once in 48 verses of scripture in the Old and New Testaments does G-d ever reference homosexuality when He speaks of Sodom.
Although fundamental Christians wish the Bible talked about homosexuality whenever Sodom is mentioned, G-d just doesn’t make that connection in the Bible in any of the 48 verses which mention Sodom. Think about that before assuming homosexuality is wrong.
Yeshua spoke of Sodom but He never linked Sodom to homosexuality.

Yeshua mentioned Sodom - in Matthew 10:15 and 11:23, Mark 6:11, Luke 10:12 and 17:29 - but Yeshua never mentioned homosexuality in connection with Sodom.
I know many Christians think He should have mentioned how bad homosexuality is but Yeshua never said anything like that. Homosexuality wrong? Not according to Yeshua.

If Yeshua agreed with the fundamental viewpoint, don't you think He would have said so when He spoke of Sodom?

Did you know that in the Bible, the term eunuch sometimes describes a gay man? Do you remember reading what Yeshua said about eunuchs in Matthew 19:3-12?

Listen to what Yeshua said about eunuchs.

“But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs , which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” Matthew 19:11-12.

Yeshua said there are three kinds of eunuchs and the first class of eunuchs He mentions are those eunuchs who "were so born from their mother's womb." Matthew 19:12.

Do you understand
what Yeshua said?

When referring to eunuchs, Yeshua said, in Matthew 19:11 that eunuchs cannot receive His teaching about the Adam and Eve marriage paradigm in Matthew 19:5.
And Yeshua pointed out to all who will receive it that some eunuchs never made a choice to be eunuchs - they were born that way. Yeshua specifically excluded "born eunuchs" from the heterosexual, Adam and Eve marriage paradigm, Matthew 19:4-6. (the homosexuality paradigm?) 

What on earth is a born eunuch?

When we define what it means to be a born eunuch, honesty requires that we be historically accurate. What did Yeshua mean by the term “born eunuch.”

If one is born a eunuch, then being a eunuch was NOT the result of personal choice or too much or too little testosterone in the womb or nurture by parents or influence by society, right? Which possibility below is most historically accurate and which option best fits what Yeshua said?
  1. Born Eunuch could refer to As-sexuality. Yeshua could mean that a born eunuch is born without any sexual desire - an as-sexual person. That is such a rare condition it is difficult to believe Yeshua intended His disciples to understand as-sexuality as His definition of “born eunuch.” (homosexual paradigm?)
  2. Born Eunuch could refer to Genital Birth Defects. Yeshua could mean that a born eunuch is born with defective reproductive organs so that he is incapable of procreation. This is also such a rare condition that it is doubtful Yeshua intended His disciples to understand genital birth defects as His definition of “born eunuchs.” (homosexual paradigm?)
  3. Born Eunuch could refer to Homosexuals. Yeshua could mean that a born eunuch is a man who is physically intact and capable of procreation but who is same sex attracted instead of being sexually interested in women. (homosexual paradigm?)
    It perfectly fits the ancient Jewish viewpoint about “saris” - the Hebrew word for eunuchs, that Yeshua intended His disciples to understand that a born eunuch was a "saris," a homosexual man or possibly a lesbian woman or a gender variant person like a transgendered person or a gay man not inclined to marry a woman.

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