Monday, September 23, 2013

When we read the miracles Yeshua performed in the Bible we act amazed but are we really, or just another thing to read and say "wow that's really nice" to? We know about the water becoming wine, Christ walking on the water, the blind seeing, the wind obeying, and even Lazarus living again. Compared to the reaction of those who saw Yeshua's miracles firsthand, our response is much more "dull".

Some people back then followed, some questioned, some even condemned what He did, but none ignored anything.

To get at the reason why Yeshua performed His miracles, we need to know what people thought of Him at that time.  We know who Yeshua claimed to be the King of the Jews and Messiah. But the people of ancient Israel had no New Testament to study. They had the Old Testament, the teachings of the respected rabbis, and hope that maybe...

Yeshua walked into their hope - hope to be free of oppression from distant Rome. The prophecies were fulfilled in and by Him. The Messiah had come to draw people to the Kingdom of G-d. While He had no sword that they could see, they could see Him healing their friends and relatives. They could see the power of G-d moving through the hills. They'd read about the great miracles of Moses and Joshua, Daniel and Elijah, but seeing them was a whole different thing.

The miracles themselves were not ways for Yeshua to "show off" His power, especially since He had given up His former glory to come to earth and do the will of the Father in heaven. Instead, the miracles proved His claims about Himself and His teachings correct. Although He didn't need to perform any miracles and refused to perform them on demand, they came so that others might believe (John 10:37-38).

With all the healings and weather control, however, it's easy to forget the greatest miracle Yeshua performed. Being dead and in the grave, Yeshua took His life back and made known He was king, something nobody could, and can ignore!

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